
Build outputs

Robotnix provides a number of Nix outputs that can be built with a given configuration. The specific output is selected using the -A option of nix-build. For example, the following will build an img zip associated with the configuration in config.nix.

$ nix-build --arg configuration ./config.nix -A img

Some of the outputs provided by robotnix are the following:

  • img - Image zip, which can be flashed to a device using fastboot update.
  • factoryImg - Factory image, a zip which contains the contents of img as well as a radio / bootloader if available.
  • ota - Over-the-air zip, which can be flashed to a device in recovery mode using adb sideload.
  • releaseScript - Script which produces the img, ota, and factoryImg products outside of Nix.
  • generateKeysScript - Script to generate required device / application keys for a given configuration.

Building and Signing Releases

After creating a configuration file, you need to generate keys for your device (if you are using signed builds, with signing.enable = true;):

$ nix-build --arg configuration ./crosshatch.nix -A generateKeysScript -o generate-keys
$ ./generate-keys ./keys

This will create a keys directory containing the app and device keys needed for the build. The output of this script should be placed in the location specified by signing.keyStorePath in the robotnix configuration. If you intend to build the img/factoryImg/ota Nix outputs instead of using the releaseScript, do not apply a passphrase to your keys here. (You can still encrypt them at rest on your own through other means.) This is because we cannot prompt you for your passphrase during the Nix build, but we can outside of Nix using generateKeysScript.

Sometimes changing your configuration will require that you generate additional new keys (e.g. for additional applications). Rebuilding and rerunning the generate keys script will produce the new keys (without overwriting your existing keys).

Next, build and sign your release. There are two ways to do this. The first option is to build the final products entirely inside Nix.

$ nix-build ./default.nix --arg configuration ./crosshatch.nix -A img --option extra-sandbox-paths /keys=$(pwd)/keys

If the Nix sandbox is enabled (it normally is), this will require a sandbox exception so the secret keys are available to the build scripts. To use extra-sandbox-paths, the user must be a trusted-user in nix.conf. If the Nix sandbox is not enabled, we can instead set signing.buildTimeKeysStorePath in addition to signing.keyStorePath to a string of the absolute path to the generated keys. Additionally, the nix builder will also need read access to these keys. This can be set using chgrp -R nixbld ./keys and chmod -R g+r ./keys.

The second option involves building a "release script" with Nix, which depends on and therefore builds the unsigned image inside the Nix build sandbox. The final build steps of signing target files and creating img/ota files are then done outside the sandbox by running the release script:

$ nix-build --arg configuration ./crosshatch.nix -A releaseScript -o release
$ ./release ./keys

This has the additional benefit that the build can take place on a remote machine, and the releaseScript could be copied using nix-copy-closure to a local machine which containing the keys. You might need to manually set certain required options like signing.avb.fingerprint or apps.prebuilt.<name>.fingerprint if you build on a remote machine that does not have access to the signing.keyStorePath.

Binary Cache

Robotnix now has an optional binary cache provided by Cachix on Using the robotnix binary cache will allow the user to avoid building some parts that can be shared between users. Currently, only the device kernels and browser builds are published through the binary cache. This is because these derivation outputs are most likely to be shared between users, and those outputs also can take a very long time to build. The build products previously discussed should be uploaded for at least every robotnix release tag. To use, install cachix, run cachix use robotnix, and then build robotnix like normal.


If the robotnix configuration is specified in a flake, the robotnix outputs can be produced by running (for example):

$ nix build .#robotnixConfigurations.dailydriver.img

This is assuming the flake.nix is in the current directory, the desired configuration is named dailydriver, and will produce the img output. Other robotnix outputs are available using a similar command.